What are people saying about Chrissy's services?
The reviews below are from the parents and adults who have been assessed for dyslexia. Names have been abbreviated.
Chrissy explained the report to me in great detail. This made a huge difference when I went to school because I knew what to ask for to help [my child] E. The School really listened, which is fab! They’ve started to implement the recommendations.
I was very very nervous before the assessment, but when I arrived, Chrissy was so friendly that I immediately felt better. She listened to what I had to say and made recommendations. There were many things I hadn’t thought of, and the report made so much sense! Overall, it was a great experience. Chrissy, thank you again for your help.
E [my child] was so anxious about the assessment, but Chrissy made her feel at ease and comfortable. E keeps asking to do the whole thing again! The report was incredibly thorough and really made sense to me. Chrissy made a real difference to E so thank you again.
Chrissy worked so quickly over the summer to get S [my child] diagnosed with dyslexia. S’s school has now carried out further tests and she will now be allowed the extra 25% of time in her GCSE exams so this has been a really positive result for her.
F [my child]’s school was very impressed with Chrissy’s report. They have also been brilliant about accepting all of her recommendations without question. I am so thankful to you Chrissy, for making such a difference to F’s life.
Chrissy worked hard to turn around the report at short notice. It’s been a positive experience for us as a family, and we’ve been working on her recommendations. B [my child] is so much more positive following his diagnosis! It's like a weight has been taken off of him.